Plant biology for the agro-environment

The Plant Biology for the Agro-Environment (BiPa) program offers a multi-disciplinary training program focusing on knowledge generated from major study models such as Arabidopsis thaliana , but also from cultivated plants that are now establishing themselves as true models (rice, maize, etc.). Our training covers all plant-related topics (developmental biology, mineral nutrition and metabolism, plant adaptation to climate change, plant-microorganism interactions, ecophysiology). In addition to the classical approaches to biology, we also place great emphasis on modeling and bioinformatics, disciplines that are currently essential for making the most of the massive data generated on a daily basis.


This course is designed to be both generalist and high-level. Its aim is to train students with broad general knowledge, as well as cutting-edge expertise in the plant sector. Ultimately, this course will enable you to pursue your training in basic or applied research (PhD), or to pursue a career in modern agriculture.

This master's program also strives to empower the students trained to facilitate their integration into the professional world through dedicated teaching units (project management and management) and numerous projects organized in groups offered in the different TU.

At the end of their training, BiPa graduates have the best knowledge and opportunities to become the researchers and research engineers of the coming years, who will be able to respond to the scientific and societal challenges linked to the plant world (fundamental science, biotechnologies, climate change, agro-ecology).

Training content

List of Teaching Units

M1, 1st semester

M1, 2nd semester

  • 4-month internship in a laboratory or company

M2, 1st semester

M2, 2nd semester