The route Biomolecular engineering and nanobiotechnologies (IBION-TEC)The Engineering Science specialization in nano and biotechnologies provides students with skills at the interface of Biology, Physics, Electronics and Chemistry. This specialization offers a very broad skills base, as well as highly specialized training in biomolecular engineering dedicated to detection and diagnostics. It trains students in innovative nano- and biotechnology techniques, leading to a recognized diploma in these emerging fields, which will have a lasting impact on our societies. Our students become R&D project leaders in private companies in the sector (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food) as well as in major research institutes.

The IBION-TEC Master's program focuses on the design of innovative tools. To this end, students have access to a workshop space where they can develop and design their own technological projects throughout the two years of the course. Students will have access to Montpellier's various technological platforms and to a fully equipped room on our university campus. The aim is to collectively demonstrate feasibility and develop prototypes based on projects shortlisted in our annual competition.

Second-year students will have to organize an annual conference on their own, supported by their BIOTRACE Association.

Quality of life, healthcare safety, product safety (particularly food safety) and environmental protection in a context of sustainable development are all issues at the heart of IBION-TEC training.

2018-2019 graduation ceremony

Know-how and skills

The training provides access to both business and research careers. The professions resulting from this training are:

  • Design engineer in diagnostics and detection
  • Traceability management engineer
  • Analytical laboratory manager
  • R & D Project Manager

Types of jobs accessible beyond sensu-stricto skills:

  • Production Manager
  • Wastewater treatment plant operations manager
  • Design and research engineer
  • Traceability management engineer
  • Hygienist

Course organization

Year M1

The first year of the program (M1) is mainly devoted to initiating the innovative project that forms the basis of the course. The 5-month internship completes the M1 program with initial laboratory experience. M1 is the year in which the fundamentals of nanotechnology are acquired.

Semester 1

TU Mandatory:

TU Optional:

Semester 2

TU Mandatory:

Year M2

The second year (M2) is devoted to organizing the annual BIOTRACE conference, focusing on communication and exchange with the professional world. M2 is the final stage of the innovative project: the student has two weeks of experimentation to achieve proof of concept or feasibility. The 6-month internship is a professional experience in line with the student's career plan.

Semester 1

TU Mandatory:

TU optional, 1 TU of 3 ECTS from among:

Semester 2

TU Mandatory:

Partner laboratories

The course is based on a proven partnership with two Montpellier engineering schools, Institut Agro and Polytech, and with the UMR QualiSud, IATE(Ingénierie des Agro-polymères et Technologies Émergentes), IPSiM(Institut des Sciences des Plantes de Montpellier), DIADE(DIversité - Adaptation - DEveloppement des plantes), PHYMEDEXP (Physiology and Experimental Medicine of the Heart and Muscles), M2A(Materials, Micro-sensors and Acoustics of the Electronics Institute), Institut Européen des Membranes de Montpellier, IRCM(Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier), Institut de Pharmacologie et Innovation dans le Diabète.